Sunday, February 25, 2007

Meditations Vol. 1


Meditations 1. Oceans 1. water of life, O Lord, by the letters KAPH, TAU, RESH, cleanse us from all impurities of the earth.

Meditations 2, Oceans 2. water of life, O Lord, by the letters CHETH, KAPH, MEM, ALEPH, HE, fill our mind with divine intelligence.

Meditations 3, Oceans 3, water of life, O Lord, by the letters BETH, YOD, NUN, ALEPH, HE grant us wisdom and understanding.

Meditations 4. Oceans 4. water of life, O Lord, by the letters GIMEL, DALETH, VAU, LAMED, ALEPH, HE grant us compassion to be merciful.

Meditations 5. Oceans 5. water of life, O Lord, by the letters GIMEL, BETH, VAU, RESH, ALEPH, HE give us the strength to overcome.

Meditations 6. Oceans 6. water of life, O Lord, by the letters TETH, YOD, PE,RESH TAU grant unto us the beauty of life.

Meditations 7. Oceans 7. water of life, O Lord, by the letters NUN,TZADDI, ALEPH, CHETH give us victory over all that us unholy.

Meditations 8. Oceans 8. water of life, O Lord, by the letters HE, DALETH, cleanse us to be worthy sons and daughters of God.

Meditations 9. Oceans 9. water of life, O Lord, by the letters YOD, SAMEK, DALETH, cleanse our blood and lungs from all impurities of the air.

Meditations 10. Oceans 10. water of life, O Lord, by the letters MEM, ALEPH, LAMED, KAPH, VAU, TAU grant peace and serenity to all who partake of thee.

written by Ken Nunoo

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Create Your Own

1. 267th Key Oceans 1

2. 260th Key Oceans 2

3. 261st Key Oceans 3

4. 262nd Key Oceans 4

5. 263rd Key Oceans 5

6. 264th Key Oceans 6

7. 265th Key Oceans 7

8. 266th Key Oceans 8

9. 268th Key Oceans 9

10. 269th Key Oceans 10

Click to listen and download this album at Itunes

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